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The whole thing is still under construction. Here is my own method of making a joint. I think some of you may find this pretty interesting. if you don't know about this way yet.

This method is widely used everywhere but still there a lot of people who have never heard of it. It's pretty simple. You don't need any special knowledge but a little bit of accuracy and time to get used to it.

(1) The first of all you need to go and buy a pack of cigarettes, (2) than take one and (3) pull the tobacco out. (3) Get rid of filter and (4) replace it with a muff rolled from a tinny cardboard. Be careful not to break the cigarette! (5) Take a desired doze of ganja and place it on your hand. Take the modified cigarette in the other hand and (6) start sucking ganja in it. The muff should keep ganja form interring your mouth (you don't wanna eat it right?) but let the grass to be sucked in the joint. Once you filled the joint with weed you should (7) press it a little bit(use a pencil). It should free some space in the joint. Always do it otherwise joint is gonna burn too fast! And than continue to suck in until the joint is full again. Than repeat step 4 so the cigarette is completely filled with pressed grass. It should look like a normal cigarette. Pull the muff out a little bit so you won't smoke it with grass. Use your finger and saliva to moisten around the end of the joint so it won't burn that fast. Do not apply to much! The muff after smoking should contain some hash but basically all that tar which is usually smoked in when you use normal joint. You can reuse the muff a lot of times and than smoke it like hash!


http://www.dope.org/drugs/marijuana/ - Everything about MJ
http://www.lycaeum.org/~strike/ - Chemical Lab
http://www.hightimes.com/ - Must See!
http://www.magicvan.com/ - Pass any drug test and more...
http://www.urineluck.com/ - Passing a Drug Test